Farmers who are seeking assistance with nutrient management, cost-share programs, and more profitable and efficient ways to run their animal feeding operations are encouraged to talk with the District staff. We can provide technical assistance and information on a variety of helpful resources.
Information on Agricultural Erosion and Sedimentation Requirements
PA DEP Manure Management Plan Guidance
Troops to Tractors Program
The PA Veteran Farming Project connects veterans, members of the military community, and their spouses, with resources for farming and agribusiness. Our Troops to Tractors program facilitates connections between veterans with VA Educational benefits of six months or more with mentor farmers for paid VA OJT Apprenticeships.
Learn more at, call them at 724-691-1087, or email
Contact Us For More Information On…
- Manure management plans, nutrient management plans, commercial planners, and professional engineers who will design the installation of Ag Best Management Practices (BMPs) on farms to protect streams and other waterways. Some of these BMPs include waste-storage structures, stabilized barnyards and alleyways, roof runoff management systems, and vegetated filter strips.
- Streambank stabilization, which may be needed where streams are eroding and threatening permanent structures. Cost-share programs may be available to assist with funding these efforts.
- Conservation plans, agricultural erosion and sedimentation plans.
- Rotational grazing, a conservation alternative to confinement housing for animals.