Grant Notification
The Westmoreland Conservation District will notify eligible applicants when a DGLVR Grant Round is open to apply for funding. Applicants will be notified by regular first class U.S. Mail.
The Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Roads Program (DGLVR) is based on “Local Control” to allow Conservation Districts to tailor the program to fit their local needs to the largest extent possible.
For more information about the Dirt, Gravel + Low Volume Road Program, click here.
WCD Dirt, Gravel + Low Volume Roads Policy
Project Ranking Grant Evaluation Form
Note: The Quality Assurance Board will rank dirt, gravel and low volume road projects based on this form.
Off Right-of-Way Consent Form
Before working outside the right-of-way, the applicant must obtain written permission from the landowner. Even if project work is confined to the road right-of-way, landowner’s permission may be required when the downslope property will be impacted by road practices (new drainage pipe outlets, turnouts, etc.)
Grant recipients can use their own landowner agreements as long as they are in a form and manner similar to the example provided.