Chelsea Marsh Gross

Chelsea Marsh Gross is the District’s new nutrient management specialist/agricultural conservation technician.

She will work directly with Westmoreland County farmers to help them increase the productivity of their farms by incorporating good conservation planning and practices.

Chelsea grew up on an area horse farm and has been employed with the conservation district in various technical capacities since 2017.

She is a graduate of Greater Latrobe High School and obtained a bachelor of science degree in biology from Saint Vincent College.

“Chelsea has many years of direct personal experience of what it takes to run a farm,” said Greg Phillips, Westmoreland Conservation District manager/CEO.“

As a young person, she was very involved with 4-H, and in her four years with the district she has taken part in many farm visits as well as participating in agriculture conservation training classes sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission, and the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts. We are certain that area farmers will find that they can rely on her guidance when it comes to installing conservation practices and preparing conservation plans.”

Chelsea can be reached at 724-837-5271 or