
We help reduce flooding and water pollution. 

We can help you manage stormwater so that it has a safe place to flow, keeping pollution out of local streams, and replenishing groundwater. We can also show you how stormwater can be used to create benefits such as rain gardens and ponds that manage water and provide habitat for wildlife.

When natural areas such as meadows, fields, and woodlands are developed with houses and stores, roads and parking lots, there are fewer places where rain can sink directly into the ground. When rain falls on the hard surfaces of buildings and pavement, it simply runs off, most often flowing downhill and picking up speed, volume, and sometimes pollutants as it goes.

Runoff can cause a number of problems, including overburdening the storm sewer systems, creating flooding, and degrading the quality of the water.

Traditional stormwater management works to reduce runoff and so lessen its damaging effects. Innovative approaches in managing stormwater, such as rain gardens, can actually benefit the environment.

Jim Pillsbury, MS, PE
Hydraulic Engineer

Hank Bradish
Stormwater Program Technician