
Since 2008, WCD has worked with local communities to retrofit their stormwater detention basins to detain more water for a longer period of time and provide greater water quality benefits. In 2019 alone, WCD completed the retrofit of seven basins in the Municipality of Murrysville. Funding for this project was made possible with a PADEP Growing Greener Grant and contributions by our partner, the Municipality of Murrysville. WCD plans to work on additional basins in other communities in the near future.

12 Oaks Basin

The start of construction with the removal of sediment within the basin and woody vegetation along the basin embankment. This will increase holding capacity of the Franklin Estates basin and ensure a failure of the embankment does not occur.

A raised inlet grate provides added protection that debris does not clog the top of the inlet riser.

Franklin Estates Basin after construction is now retaining more water. Trash rack at the front of the basin ensures that the hole does not become clogged.

Area being seeded and mulched after retrofit is completed. Monitoring equipment is installed to monitor how slowly water is released.

Inspection of Manor Vue basin.

This basin was designed to have a permanent pool of water.