
District staff recently completed a stormwater retrofit project at Hempfield Park. Two rain gardens were constructed to reduce flooding and stormwater runoff at the park. Approximately 400 feet of eroding streambank was stabilized to reduce sedimentation to an unnamed tributary to Brush Creek, and a concrete ramp that extends to the stream was also constructed near the playground, creating access for the kids to play in the water.

In the fall, trees and a native wildflower meadow were added to the park.

Rip rap stone along the streambank helps prevent erosion and keep the stream clean by reducing sediment pollution.

This concrete ramp will give young people access to the stream so they can explore the aquatic habitat and see what critters live there.

A newly installed rain garden will help control stormwater runoff and reduce flooding.

This freshly planted wildflower meadow will attract and support important pollinators like bees and butterflies