
Did you know that horses are considered to be livestock and are subject to the same rules and regulations as other farm animals, particularly when it comes to their potential impact on our water quality? While these rules can be confusing, the Westmoreland Conservation District has created a three part video series to help horse owners understand their responsibilities and suggest ways in which they can protect their animals, property, and local waterways.

The video series will introduce you to the connection between land use and water quality, walk you through the steps of creating a manure management plan for your farm, and show the importance of healthy soils and pastures.

If you have any additional questions about farm best management practices, please contact our Nutrient Management Specialist/Agricultural Technician, Dan Griffith, at for assistance.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the PA Association of Conservation Districts, Inc., through a grant from the PA Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.