Information on PAG-02 Permit Renewals with an Expiration Date of December 7, 2024

District Application + Fees

The Westmoreland Conservation District works with municipalities and the PA DEP to control construction site runoff and post-construction stormwater runoff, issues permits and review and inspect construction sites and stream encroachments.

Application for Plan Review
Fee Schedules
Assisted Plan Consistency Check (APCC)

To check the status of a submitted plan- enter the project name, file number or company below.

Chapter 102

We provide assistance for the plan submission and review process, in order to verify compliance with the rules and regulations of Chapter 102 of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law, specifically:

  • Soil Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control (E&S) plans
  • NPDES permits for Stormwater Discharges and post-construction stormwater (PCSM) associated with construction activities
  • Stormwater Management plans for non-NPDES sites and sites with greater than 5,000 square foot disturbance

Chapter 105

WCD provides assistance for submission and review of plans to verify compliance with the rules and regulations of Chapter 105 of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law, specifically review and issuance of Chapter 105 General Permits in accordance with the state PASPGP-5.  

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